A week yesterday and I was still in hospital. How am I doing? So far, so good. I struggle, but who doesn't? The kids fighting really upset me but same who doesn't feel this way. The difference is I am coping. I am not withdrawing or sleeping the whole day away. I am more involved and dare I say happy.
I went to CBT follow up on Wednesday and spoke to one of the staff members. I told her I was concerned. I told her I was feeling happy and was worried this was fake. This feeling was so foreign to me that I worried it was not real. Guess what? Still feeling happy. Sometimes, I feel crap but who doesn't.
Now I am concentrating on balance. Sometimes happy sometimes crap. But always coping.
To all the ANZAC'S out there to my Grandfather whom I never met and love nonetheless, to your Grandfathers, Fathers, Brothers, Husbands and dearly deceased - Lest we forget.
yep, lest we forget