Thursday, April 21, 2011

First week at home

I have now been home for five days.  It has been a lovely relaxing week.  Clay has been staying with my sister since Monday and comes home tomorrow.  As bad as it sounds, this has really contributed to a successful first week at home.

My darling son is hard work.  He has high levels of anxiety.  He plays them out in this constant monologue.  While it sounds like a dialogue because he is asking questions; he is not interested in the answers. It just has to be played out.  But you must listen.  He nags you to listen. He is as relentless as a dripping tap.

I am trying to sort out the house a bit today.  My psychiatrist has told me baby steps.  Don't over do it.  But I really want a little corner of my living area to be my art and felting studio.  So I am very motivated to get this happening.

Pics will be loaded when I am happy with the set up.

Take care, enjoy the holidays if you are able to be home with your kids.

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