Thursday, August 4, 2011

Make it Count

This coming Tuesday, 9th August is the Australian Census.  Australia's version of a stocktake.  This is not to be taken lightly.  This is how our government determines where future resources go.  A comment currently doing the rounds on facebook is "Australia will be holding a census this week. Don't leave the 'Religion' section blank. Be sure to at least tick Christian (or your own faith). 1 million Muslims will tick their box and 10million Australians will leave it blank then wonder why Christmas Carols are being banned in schools! Not to mention Easter Hat Parades. It's not about religion, it's about keeping our way of life. Please repost this if you agree."

It really made me think.  I will be filling out this census in hospital.  And even though the reason I am in hospital is because I am unwell I kind of am glad my number will be counted there and then.  My little number might help extra funding for the mentally ill or for carer's who become depressed.  I really hope so.

Next Tuesday night take this event very seriously.  It will make a difference for your kids and what schools they attend, the roads they drive on, where new hospitals are built, the number of nursing homes and child care centres that are funded and so much more.

Next week I begin a new leg of my mental wellness journey.  I start ECT (electroconvulsive therapy).  It apparently can affect short term memory loss.  I will be writing and keeping an account of how I fare so that in future I will have a record just in case.

For now, take care

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking of you a lot lately. We missed you at art. I hope your stay in hospital is being positive for you. All the best for the ECT. Take care.
