Wednesday, March 16, 2011

When life gives you lemons

Don't ask for a light load, but rather ask for a strong back.  I read this somewhere and had to write it down.  It reminds me that instead of complaining about how tough it all is, find a way to get on with it.  I am finally at that stage.  Finally, I am ready to say au revoir forever to what has been holding me back and impinging on my quest for mental health.

Instead of worrying and making myself sick because I have an autistic child and cannot imagine what the future holds for him; I am going to day by day celebrate that he now talks, that he can interact with me and that we have helped him through his journey.  Instead of hiding in my room totally depressed because we have money worries.  I am going to light a candle make a cup of tea and sit outside in the sun. Wow - that is a totally free pleasurable activity and it is within reach.  I will not set goals that are too challenging but instead simple tasks that will see me slowly crack by tiny crack emerge from my shell and start living.

I will allow myself to tell the world that I did not ask for this.  I will allow myself to say it is unfair.  But I will no longer allow it to incapacitate me. 

In a previous post I talked about my love for Powderfinger and am sharing another of their songs.  This song resonates within me so very strongly.  (Maybe Powderfinger and I can write a musical of my life a la Mamma Mia)

"These Days"

It's coming round again
The slowly creeping hand
Of time and its command
Soon enough it comes
and settles in its place
Its shadow in my face
Puts pressure in my day

This life well it's slipping right through my hands
These days turned out nothing like I had planned

It's coming round again
The slowly creeping hand
Of time and its demands
It settles in its place
Its shadow in my face
Undignified and lame

This life well it's slipping right through my hands
These days turned out nothing like I had planned
Control well it's slipping right through my hands
These days turned out nothing like I had planned

Soon enough it comes
Soon enough it comes
To tie us down 

This song is a solemn sad little ditty full of regret.  It means a lot to me this song.  It reminds me that I did not ask for this.  But I am going to also let it remind me that I do not want to look back with regret.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.  And those lemons life has handed me.......well while I am dancing in the rain I will drink lemonade.

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